Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) Blog

IT Channel Marketers Need to Monitor These Blog Metrics

Written by Joshua Feinberg | Dec 23, 2013 8:30:00 PM

Most getting started with blogging struggle initially to build traction.

This is normal. There are definitely some natural tipping points that kick in once you start blogging more regularly.

What are the key blog metrics that IT channel marketers need to monitor regularly?

  1. Which persona a particular blog post is intended for - No one has an unlimited budget. So it’s critical to make sure that you know which of your ideal buyer personas each and every blog post is intended for.

  2. Where in the sales cycle this post fits into - While most blog posts tend to be top-of-funnel content, where prospects are looking for solutions to fairly broad problems, it’s important to make this distinction of whether a particular blog post is intended for readers that are in the top, the middle, or the bottom of the sales funnel. This distinction helps you decide how to use posts in lead nurturing workflows to accelerate your sales cycle. It also helps you decide which CTAs (for premium content lead generation offers) to select that are most relevant with a greater likelihood of conversion.

  3. Number of blog subscribers - Track this over time to ensure your net reach increases.

  4. Number of page views - Monitor how many of your blog posts are indexed in search engines, as well as the total monthly page views across all of your blog posts.

  5. Which blog posts are most popular - Track your top 20 blog posts by views each month. This can be hugely helpful in deciding what else to blog about. It also can shine a spotlight on high-performing assets that can most rapidly impact lead generation volume when a high-relevant call to action (CTA) is selected. In other words, if you have some blog posts that get a lot of views but not many conversions, spend serious time creating premium content offers and CTAs that leverage your existing website traffic to generate leads. 

  6. Number of inbound links - While Google will likely never reveal the exact factors that drive rankings and how inbound links fit into its overall search engine algorithms, it’s very widely assumed by inbound marketing pros that websites with a large quantity of high-quality, relevant inbound links do better than those without those links. So it pays to monitor this blog metric over time. These inbound links can also open your eyes to additional cross-promotional opportunities with websites that you may not have been aware of.

  7. What percentage of viewers click on a CTA - Again, if a particular blog post has a lot of views but a very low CTA click-through rate, this is an opportunity for IT channel marketers to drive more conversions pretty quickly by simply optimizing the relevancy and placement of the CTA.

  8. The number of keywords a blog post ranks for - Generally, the more keyword phrase a particular blog post ranks for, the more opportunities there are to attract highly qualified website visitors

Blogs can be very powerful tools for attracting highly-qualified decision makers to your website. However, you’ll need to make a significant time commitment to move the needle on blogging.

So with this investment, you really need to get good at figuring out what’s working and what’s not working with your blog metrics.

Which blog metrics have you found to be most important for IT channel marketing managers to pay attention to? Let us know your views in the Comments section below.