Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) Blog

Software Marketing Strategist | What's a Typical Day Like?

Written by Joshua Feinberg | May 4, 2021 7:06:04 PM

As explained by Joshua Feinberg of SP Home Run

(Digital Transformation Go-to-Market Strategist for IaaS, SaaS, and Fintech Companies)


  1. What is your job title?

CEO (when working with clients in a public-facing role, I'm generally introduced as a Fractional CMO)


  1. What does your typical day at work look like? What tasks take up most of your time?

I start my day by checking email and LinkedIn (for new messages, alerts, and comments).


During my morning workout, I usually listen to work-related professional development training, including webinar recordings and videos from YouTube channels I subscribe to. With 28 HubSpot-related certifications to maintain (many expire annually) and a very rapidly changing industry (both on the software/SaaS side and digital marketing/sales enablement), I make really good use of the 350+ hours/year doing cardio.


Next, my day is typically very structured. Typically I block out two to three days a week for deep work, client projects building out strategy plans and content assets, recruiting and managing team members for the many needs on client projects. I try to batch together client meetings and workshops (all virtually/Zoom now) into two days a week.


This can present logistical/scheduling challenges at times as the companies/stakeholders I work with sometimes as much as seven hours ahead (EU and Israel) or three hours behind (U.S. Pacific time) -- relative to my location in South Florida (U.S. Eastern time).


  1. What are the pros and cons of being a software marketing strategist?




I work directly with software startup and scaleup CEOs and CROs to drive revenue growth. This includes digital transformation to match how their ideal clients want to interact with their company. It's incredibly gratifying to be in a role where you can connect the dots between marketing strategy, sales strategy, customer marketing/customer success, and product strategy.




Finding software companies that are open to change can be challenging, which on the surface may seem really bizarre and contradictory because so many software/SaaS companies are all about driving change in their clients' companies. But when it comes to their own go-to-market strategy, a lot of software companies' leadership teams are living in the past. So I end up investing a lot of time upfront educating and building alignment around go-to-market and competitive marketplace realities. The best software startup CEOs understand their lane (product development and raising capital) and have a healthy respect for allowing experts to have the buy-in and autonomy to do great work. You don't know what you don't know.




Are you a software marketing strategist? If so, what's your typical day like? Let me know in the comments below.