Small Biz Tech Talk Press : What Your Computer Consultant Doesn't Want You to KnowSmall Biz Tech Talk was a publishing company whose mission was to help advance the level of transparency and professionalism in the small business technology space -- through more consistent, professional, and mutually-beneficial business practices.

Products and Services

The company did so by developing:

  • A bi-weekly Small Biz Tech Talk Tips newsletter
  • Downloadable special reports and templates
  • “What Your Computer Consultant Doesn’t Want You to Know” trade paperback book -- which received media mentions in The Washington Times, SCORE counselor newsletter, American Express OPEN newsletter, and the AICPA magazine among others
  • Companion CD-ROM to “What Your Computer Consultant Doesn’t Want You to Know”
  • Teleseminar training courses
  • Small business owner coaching



The Pivot 2.0 (2003)

The original intended audience was small business owners and internal computer gurus within small businesses. However over time, those most interested in the resources proved to be small business technology consultants, rather than end users. As a result, the publisher pivoted to focus more on the business development training needs of small business technology consultants -- rather than continuing to build additional reach within the incredibly-fragmented small business space.

Small Biz Tech Talk was first unveiled in May 2001 at the US Small Business Administration (SBA) Small Business Week conference in Washington, DC. While most active from 2001 through 2003, the brand remained active until 2012 when replaced by the SP Home Run registered trademark.

The Pivot 3.0 (2013)

In 2013, the principals of the former Small Biz Tech Talk brand began pivoting its core business model from training to implementation.

Because of dramatic market shifts in B2B purchasing cycles, where search, social, mobile, and cloud makes many traditional interruption-centric marketing channels anywhere from much less effective to obsolete, the company rebranded as SP Home Run Inc. and now provides outsourced Inbound marketing services for B2B technology companies.

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